1-part assembly sealing substance SL-660.150

Thixotropic, does not drip off

  Plastic window construction Bonding of cover caps and
shutter guides in PVC profiles

Assembly sealing substance

COSMO® SL-660.150


This assembly sealing substance is particularly suitable for the quick constructional bonding of PVC-hard plastic materials and has furthermore a wide adhesion spectrum to a lot of different materials, e.g. PVC-hard, powder-coated aluminium or diverse building materials. COSMO® SL-660.150 excels with its good weathering- and UV-stability thanks the properties of durability, non-ageing and viscoplasticity of the adhesive film.

Compared with usual PVC-diffusion adhesives, it has a lower shrinkage behaviour and is therefore suitable for a joint sealing with a width of up to 7 mm.


  • Fast structural bonding of rigid PVC parts
  • Plastic window construction Bonding of additional profiles, like sill drips, drain bars, blow bars and shutter bars
  • In the exhibition and label production, for the constructional bonding of PVC-hard integral foam plates with diverse materials
  • Plastic window construction: Sealing of profile connections with transom and frame widening during the assembly of
    the elements
  • Construction of trade fair and promotional signs: constructive bonding of integrated rigid foam slab, e.g. FOREX® made of PVC hard
  • Bonding of cover/end caps on PVC hard profiles, e.g. fence poles
  • Joint sealing up to 7 mm (275.6 mil) joint width , e.g. between window sill and window profile (not suitable for expansion joints e.g. as per DIN EN 15651)


  • elastic adhesive joint
  • Thixotropic, does not drip off
  • Wide range of application possibilities to different plastic materials
  • Good weather-proofness
  • Good UV-radiation resistance

Technical information

Thermoplastic polymers in solvent

Film property

medium-viscosity – paste-like

310 ml (10.48 fl oz) PA cartridge
Other trading units on request.



Technical data sheet

Safety data sheet

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