

Hybrid adhesives

This new generation of adhesives and adhesive seals was developed on the basis of alternative raw materials. As opposed to the usual PUR construction and assembly adhesives which consist of classified ingredients, with our COSMO® HD-Adhesives we offer alternative systems for users with a consistent consciousness for environmental issues.

1-C-MS-Adhesive HD-100.400

COSMO® HD-100.400


The multi-talent

A very good consistency characterizes this flexible all-purpose sealing adhesive with high breaking elongation

Product details

Assembly adhesive COSMO HD-100.800

COSMO® HD-100.800


The adhesive COSMO HD-100.800 features a very good dosing behaviour at maximum First Tack. Because the first seconds will count. All in all, this High Tack can also cover many sealing applications, which extends its range of application enormously.

Product details

1-C-MS-Adhesive HD-150.160

COSMO® HD-150.160


The transparent

Transparent adhesive sealant with good UV-stability and minimal yellowing.

Product details

2-component STP-assembly adhesive COSMO HD-200.101

COSMO® HD-200.101

2-component STP-assembly adhesive

The controlled

Elastic 2-component STP-adhesive for a multitude of assembly bonding applications, with homogeneous through-hardening and reliable process time during the application.

Product details

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