



Adhesives for assembly bonding applications

Since many years, our PUR-based one-component adhesive systems have stood the test of time in almost all common assembly bonds. Even if extremely stressed, the adhesives bond your joints in a safe and stable way, no matter if for craft or industrial use.

This new generation of adhesives and adhesive sealants has been developed by use of alternative resources. Contrary to common PUR adhesives for construction and assembly purposes with ingredients that are subject to mandatory labelling due to the regulation on dangerous substances, HYBRID adhesives are non-hazardous alternative systems that do not require an additional labelling. Furthermore, the special structure of HYBRID enables high-strength and elastic adhesive joints that are extremely important for permanent and leak-proof bonds of material with different coefficients of thermal expansion. The high tensile shear strength of our systems is another positive aspect that sets us apart from other common STP or MS-based adhesives. Our new adhesives and adhesive sealants are also available in euro cartridges and tubular bags that can be used with standard dispenser pistols. No matter if you choose our traditional PUR adhesives or the new HYBRID adhesives: both product systems meet the highest quality standards “made by Weiss”.

Assembly Adhesives on PUR base

PUR assmbly adhesive PU-100.110

COSMO® PU-100.110

1-part PUR assembly adhesive

The traditional one

Very strong professional assembly adhesive with a particularly quick reaction time for reliable and long-lasting assemblies of constructional solid bonding.


PUR Assembly adhesive PU-100.130

COSMO® PU-100.130

1-part PUR assembly adhesive

The pro for metal

PUR-adhesive for the bonding of aluminium corner angles in the aluminium window and door manufacturing as well as for different kinds of constructional and assembly bonding.


PUR flowing adhesive PU-160.120

COSMO® PU-160.120

1-part PUR adhesive

Powerful constructional adhesive with flowing properties and with a particularly long open time and hard and tough adhesive joint.


Assembly Adhesives on PUR base

1-C-MS-Adhesive HD-100.110

COSMO® HD-100.110


The flexible

1-part STP-adhesive for a lot of application possibilities, particularly for many different kinds of applications in the vehicle manufacturing and for vehicle superstructures.


Two component construction adhesives

PUR Adhesive PU-200.181

COSMO® PU-200.281

2-part PUR adhesive

High-strength 2-part adhesive with excellent heat and weather resistance and a wide adhesion spectrum for constructional force-locked connections.


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