Accessories for adhesives

Accessories for adhesives

Apart from a wide selection of adhesives and special cleaning agents, we also offer you a vast selection of corresponding accessories. Thus the customer may choose from a complete product pipeline where adhesives are concerned.

Manual pressure gun

COSMO® Manual pressure gun

Processing accessories

Manual pressure gun for the dosing of two-chamber cartridges

Product details

Pressure gun

COSMO® Pneumatic tandem applicators

Processing accessories

Pneumatic applicators for the dosing of two-chamber cartridges

Product details

static mixing tubes

Static mixing tubes

Processing accessories

Static mixing tubes for the homogeneous mixture of 2-part polyurethane adhesives when using twin cartridges.

Product details

Surface nozzles for adhesives and sealants COSMO SP-810

Surface nozzles for adhesives and sealants

Processing accessories

Nozzle and application aids for adhesives and sealants are already at the market in most diverse variants, for flowable and also for pasty materials. 

Product details

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