Dry construction




Single component adhesives on the basis of PUR

Nowadays, flexibility plays a more and more important role in the construction of new buildings and prefabricated houses as well as for renovation and professional extension of residential units and offices.

Currently the traditional building technique employs more and more gypsum plaster- and fibreboards, sheets of granulated cement, OSB splints and soft fibres as well as RS-foam. In order to ensure the necessary stability and solidity of such dry building technique, particular adhesives are required for actuated adhesion of the elements in the joint. COSMO® adhesive systems for the dry construction ideally meet the requirements to achieve permanent and reliable bonding.

1-part construction adhesive

PUR assembly adhesive PU-160.110

COSMO® PU-160.110

1-part PUR adhesive

Powerful constructional adhesive with flowing properties and a hard and tough glued joint for the bonding of different material surfaces.


2-part construction adhesive

PUR Adhesive PU-200.181

COSMO® PU-200.281

2-part PUR adhesive

High-strength 2-part adhesive with excellent heat and weather resistance and a wide adhesion spectrum for constructional force-locked connections.


Assembly adhesives

PUR assmbly adhesive PU-100.110

COSMO® PU-100.110

1-part PUR assembly adhesive

The traditional one

Very strong professional assembly adhesive with a particularly quick reaction time for reliable and long-lasting assemblies of constructional solid bonding.


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